Friday November 13th

Benvenisti and Wood said they would be very pleased to come to my little tea-party. Hobson says he is afraid he can’t for which I am sorry. He is going to play in a match with or against Stallards School. This is the second morning running that I have been five minutes late for Prep! JS came out with a queer JSism remark this morning — Lutyens had not been attending and JS suddenly fired out at him ‘why aren’t you alive instead of walking about and saving your burial fees?!’ Nobody but JS could say a thing like that, he was in great form this morning pouring out delightful things which I vainly tried to take down.

After Hall I went up College with Barrington-Ward who showed me the Captain’s Books which have come back from the binder and have been very nicely done.

We had another Commem practice at 4.15 going through the whole service. Gow had the trebles up to the front standing on the step facing the Monitorial. I think and hope the singing will be alright, as it is much too high for me and all I can do is make a sort of growl…

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