Monday February 1st

. Low tells me his is starting a great innovation up-Ashburnham by shouting ‘Under’ when he wants a fag, he is rather wondering how the House will take it! No Station again today, this makes a week with no Station. We had a singing practice tonight and I found myself singing quite lustily. Ranalow as usual very crushed.

Later I went and called on Miss MacLennan whom I at last found in, I like her very much, she gave me tea (she was alone) and we talked for some time. She said that she hoped to see something of me at Cambridge, she always stays every year with Sir Charles Darwin there ever since she was a child and she hoped I would come and see her. While we were talking Miss Collet came in, a cousin of my cousins, and I did not stay much longer.

When I went into Inner this morning I was startled by a scrabbling in a cardboard box which of course later proved to be one of Hobson’s treasures, a poor little blind sparrow, who subsequently expired during the day. I may say it was in a very weak state when Hobson found it and it was more merciful to take it than leave it for the cat to get! I suppose it will be dissected tomorrow.

Little Tunnecliffe came back today for the first time this term; he has had chickenpox.

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