Thursday April 1st

I have for some unknown reason got a vile cold again today, my third this term.

We had the last meeting this year of Deb. Soc., a horrid and depressing meeting. We discussed ‘That this House would welcome the formation of a new boarding house at Westminster’, I seconding Ward’s proposing with Clarke opposing. I was pleased at what I can only call the deferential silence with which I was listened to and being on my own subject, although I had prepared hardly anything I spoke as well as I have only once spoken before, really well. It is a most delightful feeling and I am delighted to think that my last speech as a School member of Deb. Soc. should have been one of the best that I have ever made and further that my last words were to say that I believed the new house would assist that ‘re-introduction of water which I myself believe to be becoming increasingly practicable and which all of us, I think, ought to do our utmost to effect’. Thus amid applause my last words in Deb. Soc. were to speak of the scheme of all others which I hope most earnestly to help bring about. The motion was carried by acclamation. Thus we adjourned and certainly Ward, Low and myself felt very miserable at resigning our offices. Horrid and I fear that it will be increasingly horrid this tearing up of roots.

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