Sunday July 25th (Election Sunday)

It has been a sad but in many ways a very beautiful day. A day of sorrow and yet of thanks giving and praise, a day when one has humbly asked that ‘one may so have used they manifold blessings in our lie here that one may become a profitable member of this Church and Nation’. The morning service is our service and the Dean takes it most beautifully. The Dean preached. and spoke of the character of St. James. He ended by asking ‘What shall I say to those young ardent souls who are just completing their School careers, what message shall I give them?’ and he went on to impress upon us who it was who had himself encouraged ambition and told us to ponder on the words ‘Are ye able?..We are..Ye shall’.

This afternoon I went up-School and all by my little lone recited epigrams, a rehearsal for Tuesday.

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