Saturday October 10th

Photograph of Young GowThis morning the ‘Daily Graphic’ has got an article on Westminster Football and a picture of young Gow. The superlatives were a little exhausting to read.

Hobson made the brilliant suggestion that I should read a paper on ‘The migration of birds’ before Bug. Soc. (Westminster for Natural History Society). Furthermore he is going to write more of it for me. I went up to a meeting of Bug. Soc. This afternoon and heard a somewhat interesting paper by A. E. Wood (OW) on ‘Nests’. A large gathering of the Bug Soc being extraordinarily health numbering over 40 members.

Went ‘up Fields’. Saw several OWs and avoided several more. The match was against OWs and the School was badly beaten.

Came down at 4. Father went off to Cambridge for a Founders Feast at Pembroke so I took the opportunity of reading prayers especially as there were not many left in. Rather an ordeal, I turned over two pages and began a prayer I had meant to say later which was upsetting, but otherwise got on better than I expected.

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